Friday, November 25, 2011

We are about to start working twice a week from this coming week, Sundays and Tuesdays.
 Anyone can come and work at any time they like, just call first to let me know when you would like to come
 With the help of Marlyn and Adie, we  managed to complete another quilt top.
 I also started to prepare a couple of kits, now mostly we will continue to prepare kits for the next few sessions of working, before all those little pieces get way out of hand.
That's all for this week
Take care

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Now for something not related to the Benji project but what I have been up to on the other days of the week. I have been working on this charming Double wedding ring quilt using my collection of Liberty and William Morris fabrics that have been in my stash for ages, using the "Quiltsmart" appliqué techinque wich makes it go really fast, and now have almost completed this quilt. just need to bind it and it is going on MY bed for the next seasonal change.

No pictures of us this week, we were so busy cutting, cutting, pressing and cutting, but we are no still nowhere near all cut up, so, instead here or two pictures taken of the progress to the actual Ha Bayit Shel Benji

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Quilts for Benji project week 4

 Sue and Marlyn busy sewing away on the machines.
Rege pressing fabrics, and there is lots to press.

Ruth arrived with some goodies.. or badies... depending on which side of the scale we are at the moment, but they are yummy, we have enough for next week too.

We managed to complete another quilt top this evening.  Shown off here by Monika and Adie.
 And another quilt completed by Monika at home, she has tucked another one under her arm to take home to complete, we will soon have our first ten quilts completed by next week (YESH)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Here are some pictures of the first 5 quilt tops completed.
The first quilt and the fourth quilt are using the same pattern with a different color for the pieced blocks. they both look great. There are more coming soon.
 the second quilt completed by Zehava, using yardage and 5 inch squares.
Quilt idea was taken from a quilt posted on the "All people quilt" site. The original was for a baby quilt, but I adjusted the sizing and it turn out really great. Seems a good pattern to make more of.
 This third quilt is a "Turning Twenty quilt except it is more like a turning thirty quilt in order for it to be the correct size, These really are very quick to make. and we can use the leftovers for a second helping quilt, wow, 2 for the price of 1, what a bargain.
 Same as quilt 1 made up by Irena, we just need to add another row to complete it to the correct size.
 Zehava also made this quilt from her own collection of fabrics.
Taken from the book Happy Hour, it is the quilt called "Snapshot" and seems to be a popular choice for the quilts. it works on the same principal as the first and third quilts, just different sizes for cutting, using fat quarters instead of strips and squares.
This coming Sunday 6th November, we will be working from 2pm till 10pm
to accomodate those quilters who would like to come during the day instead of the evening, as well as those coming after work. There are some more quilts coming in all the time, and more quilts being completed.
Thank you all so much,
 continue the wonderful work
See you on Sunday
everyone else, stay tuned for more pictures and updates of the quilts.
We will start quilting them soon.
love and best wishes to you all