Q4B wip.
weeks 7 & 8
Do not for one moment think that just because I have not posted for a while we have been lagging. on the contrary we have been very busy cutting, cutting and cutting, then cutting with some more cutting. with a little bit of sewing here and there. We have so far completed 7 kits ready to be handed out to my quilting friends who have volunteered to help on this project.
and have received back some kits and I will take more pictures of them soon for y'all to see.
I have also started quilting them, so far three have been quilted and 5 more about to go into the quilting stage. with lots more tops ready and waiting for the batting and backing pairing up stage.
Here are some new picture for you to see that we have been working along and even have some new faces come one board to help. Above first picture are Sue and Gutta busy sewing and preparing pieces. Next picture, Adi, Victoria and Marlyn posing just before leaving witha the pieces of a new quilt about to go up on the design wall. Next posting will be of more of the quilts that have been quilted, so, stay tuned.
Till next time
Take care