Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Quinglish 2007
Here are some pictures of the quilts hanging on the fence.
The first and third quilts are mine, both for gifts for Barmitzvahs.
The quilt in the middle is Zvia's. These are yet unfinished.
The quilts in this picture are mostly the quilts made by Carol Smith for charity.
Here are more quilts from my quilting friends hanging on the fence.
Here is Zvia with a charming, recently completed quilt.
Hope you enjoy these.
I am off again on some more travels, this time to Boston, Massachusetts, Vermont and New Hampshire with DH. I am looking forward to showing him around some of the places I went to before with Keren in 2005. But now my focus has shifted from mostly quilting fabrics, to longarm machine quilting, doesn't mean I wont buy more fabics, possibly more threads and things for the machine. I am also looking forward to meeting new quilters along the way and catching up with some friends from previous travels.
At this point in time we are still very much practising on Sadie so there's nothing to show yet. We disconnected the belts and are trying our hand a some freemotion quilting in the constant speed mode, we tried the regulated mode and found it very difficult to do smoothe work.
We are all three of us used to the constant fast speed of quilting from our regular machines, now if we could only get to make some really nice smooth feather like linda V Taylor who always says
"If she can do it, so can we" well that will take us a lot more practise, practise practise.
So I have only a few days left to get on with it. One of these days I will post something that looks half way decent that we will make on the machine.
So, till we met again after this trip whe we get back in November,
Bye for now.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
It has been a while
We were in Potomac Maryland for the wedding of the daughter of special longstanding friends, that was a delightful wedding. We stayed with other wonderful new friends, and were made very welcome and comfortable in their home.
I managed to spend a day with Marty from Dogwood studios in Baltimore learning some more about how to use Sadie. I think, just by watching a pro. at work, one can learn a lot, sorry I am very lax with the camera, and forgot to take pics.
Since coming home We - (Zvia, Carol and myself) have managed to spend a few days working with Sadie and trying to get a baby quilt done, lets hope we can produce something not to disasterous, we will only really know when the quilt comes off the machine.
Oh, how I wish we were beyond this awful learning stage already, yes, I know we have to go through it, but I just wish we were well into knowing more, and I know we will get there EVENTUALLY.
I limit myself from playing with the machine till the times we are together, that frees me to still keep up with and do other things, lately I have been playing with my embroidery machine, making some hand towels with pretty baby animal pictures on for gifts for some new babies.
As well as teaching a dear friend how to quilt. she is 12 years old and is learning on all the equipment, tools and fabrics from her late grandmother, this is something special for her, and me to do together.
As well, I have two VIP barmitzvah quilts to make, one is in the process and need only the borders put on before the top is complete, and the other hasn't even been formed yet in my mind, stuggling to come up with something new, I guess I need to have a chat with the chap and get a feel from him, maybe that will help.
Other works in progress of course is the Chuppah, time for me to continue with it.
Oh I nearly forgot. I have recently had the pleasure of having friends over from the States. Susan came to visit her son who came to play professional baseball here in Israel for the summer, she joined him for the last two matches and a couple of weeks touring around the country. I took her one day to Tel Aviv and the charm of Old Jaffa, and then to lunch at my favourite vegetarian restaurant, before we walked Nachalat Benjamin, the textile center next to the market, where we ambled along as well, this was like being a tourist again. This was good for Susan ,who happens to be my friend who has been supplying me, for the last nine years or so with the most delicious collection of Japanese fabrics, one day PG we will manage to go with her to Japan as she takes tours there every year to coinside with the Japanese quilt festivals, as well as giving her groups an insight into their lifestyle, culture and more. Maybe one of these days I will even venture into actually using some of my collection, till I pass the stage of taking them out every now and then looking at them, stroking and sorting them and dreaming of what I would like to do with them one day.
Then also on Sunday I took them for a drive up north to Tiberius for lunch and a toe in the Sea of Galillee, then on to the charming and mystical city of Zfat. A friend took us around the artists quarters and even into her home for refreshements (always needed). We then walked around the artists quarters and along Trinket Ally before we felt absolutely wiped out, I think more from the heat than anything else, pity, it is always a delight to go up there, but will have to wait till it is cooler I'm afraid.
So now you know what's been keeping me busy over the last few weeks or so.
Till next time
Bye for now
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Sadie my quilting lady is home
Sadie has been safely delived into the studio, Russell enjoyed putting her together under Paul's instruction, I think he was just keen to get "Statie" the computer set up and eager to get that going to play with, he thoroughly enjoys playing with it now from time to time, I think I have a budding quilter in the making.
Natan enjoyed watching her grow up and is a very proud 'papa'. Paul Statler, was such a charming gentleman with endless patience even into the wee hours of the morning, when we were all ready to drop on our feet, with scrambled brains and aching muscles he was still ready to continue for another couple of hours, or so he said, it must have been the Jet lag.
Here are just a few pictures to show you all. Watching her grow up to her full size was quite awesome, she is no small baby and takes up most of the studio now, I have quite a lot of re-organizing to do to feel comfortable in here again.
I am please that I have invited 3 of my friends to come and learn with me, I don't feel so alone and it is great to have company while we learn together. She is the one and only quilting machine of her kind in the country, so I needed to start a group of my own here.
Zvia my friend and I are taking instructions from Paul during his very short but intense visit.
Now slowly we are starting to try everything again on our own and it's slow going, but we are making progress, working our way though it step by baby step and enjoy the moments when we figure things out and it works.
I have finally managed to get some order into the studio and yesterday sat down and actually managed to do some sewing. I have some quilts I really need to complete, a few more in my head that I need to make, no time to be bored.
I have a number of baby quilts we are making for charity that we can practise on, so far we have managed one that looks half way decent, and one that was a disaster as we tried to do it with a fleece backing the normal way, The quilting was great, it just all puckered up when it came off the machine and we had a good laugh, it's all part of the learning curve.
So, I guess you now know where to find me, I am either with Sadie n Statie or Bernie and friends, in the 'Movibear studio'.
Very seldom will you find me in the kitchen, TG my kids can cook and there are plenty of take away deli's close by.
Bye for now,
Till next time
Friday, July 13, 2007
My "baby" has arrived
Monday, July 9, 2007
I am back
We have been very busy travelling lately, especially to Australia for simcha's. In May we were there for the batmizvah of a niece. and came home again for 3 weeks. In June we went again this time with all the family for a wedding and a special birthday. all the family get togethers were just great and we had an amazing time all round.
My two quilt gifts were a great success. beautifully quilted for me by my new friend and quilter Lyndall woods in Sydney at Norwest quilting. It was fun to go and collect the quilts and I enjoyed feeding the birds of which there were many of those funny white parrots with their yellow plume feathers on top of their heads, quite cheeky they were when it comes to food, there were some other lovely birds in her back yard that day.
All round the time we spent with family in Sydney was very special, and we look forward to hosting them here soon when it will be the 2 nephews barmitzvah's here in October and November. (of which I am busy making quilts for). So many quilts to make...... not enough time to quilt, but soon hopefully that will be fixed, that is, if we don't stop travelling around so much.
We are counting the hours now till the "new baby" arrives. She has docked and is busy with the customs at the moment. I seem to be holding my breath that she will arrive on time (by Friday the latest) The Statlers are coming here next week for a week, arriving on Sunday morning to help with the setting up and training, Still trying to come up with a name for the Gammill Supreme and Statler stitcher.
I have been mooching around in my studio lately feeling very unsettled, I have to start moving things around and changing and re-arranging a lot of things in order for her to fit in here comfortably.
So, pop into my webshots pages at http://www.webshots.com/ and go to "community" "search" and look for me terrymow100. There are a number of albums, my quilts will be in Terrys quilting pages. my friends quilts, exhibitions and "quinglish days" quilts will be in my"Terry's friends" albums, family and friends and other will have their own albums so do pop in and browse.
I will probbably only pop in and write again after the "new baby" has arrived and settled in, so, till then.
Bye for now
Monday, May 21, 2007
What I have been busy with lately
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Operation Embrace and patchwork pieces
She has an army of social workers and friends helping people in all walks of life through their personal pain of dealing with this stress of loss one way or another.
We were privilaged to go last night with her and a few of her friends to meet with some of these people at an evening of dinner and supposedly song and general good cheer seeing as it was also Yom Yerushalaym as well.
we eventually arrived at the appointed destination which was a Kibbuts just outside of Sderot calld Kibbutz Dorot. On the way there we saw a colomn of smoke and heard on the news there had been a rocket attack from nearby Gaza.(not an uncommon occurance in these parts apparently). On arrivial some of the folk who were supposed to join us did not come in the end due to this rocket attack.
During the course of the evening a number of rockets fell on Sderot and many people were becoming anxious. So we started the evening with the dinner, and then Aviva handed out envelopes to the families to help them financially in some way. and the evening quickly dissolved in anticipation of everyone getting home.
All in all about 15 rockets fell on Sderot last night and a number af people were lightly injured with one serious casualty. But it was for us a very emotional and stressful evening as we had not gone through such close proximity to such events before, "safe" in our town of Ra'anana. Only hearing about such events on the news. This was certainly an eye opener for all of us there last night , and a wake up call to us about the situation in Israel in general.
May "H" give us (our army) the strength to deal with this aggression in the way that it should be dealt with, speedily, accurately, and finally, one way or another.
Seeing as how I am a quilter and write mostly about quilting and patchwork, and my labels are quilting and patchwork. I have started to make the quilts for the 2 nephew's barmitsvah's coming up later this year. pulling out all me stash of homespun fabrics and givin their quilts avery masculine look. so far I have only managed two blocks of one quilt and will try and make one a day for the next 10 (working) days. As well as this I found somewhere in a box of scraps some really ugly uglies in bright reds and purples, and thought of a challenge to use these up. Which I have succeeded in doing. I am making small 4 patch squares then using my quiltsmart, quarter circles (similar but not quite the same as drunkards parth) in white circles so that only a small portion of the 4 patch blocks shows. Also known as snowballs. As soon as I have something worth showing I will post the pictures. So, better go sew.
Bye for now.
Friday, May 11, 2007
What's on my design wall this week. The central portion of the Chuppah I am making is up, after sewing it together it needed another row so it is now 6 by 7. and it is more square. I have put it away for a while and will continue with it when we return from our trip to Autralia part 1.
I am, at the moment making some more fabric bowls, I find they are great gifts, quick and easy to put together. we have an 80th birthday for a dear aunt next week, but knowing me, I don't just make one at a time , I need to go and make a few more.
We also have some great news this week. We are expecting... Yes that's right, but not that kind of baby. All being well PG some time in July we take delivery of our new Gammill longarm quilting machine and Statler stitcher. I feel just like Motel in Fiddler on the Roof. Can you imagine how excited we will be when it actually arrives, I have been keeping myself very busy in my head with daydreaming. She is a she but I have not yet found the right name for her. We will have a welcoming party and I will keep everyone here posted. This is a first for Israel and I know that many quilters here will be pleased to know that yes we will be taking commissions to quilt your quilts, eventually. I will be teaching 2 other friends how to use the machine so there will be no holdups when we are away. I do not have enough words to thank by beloved Hubby for this special gift nor enough hugs, kisses etc., etc.,
So till next week, Shabbat Shalom,
Bye for now
Friday, May 4, 2007
Monday, April 30, 2007
All her patterns and books need to be sorted out, threads, fabrics books and notions etc.,
I hope to get stuck into some of this tomorrow seeing as how my machine fixer man came today and took away three of my machines for service and check ups. so I will take a (small) break from sewing in order to sort all this stuff out.
We have a quilting meeting tomorrow night and maybe I will take some of the stuff along there and see if the girls want anything.
Her machines and quilting cotton fabrics I will keep and hopefully some time in the summer I will teach her granddaughter how to quilt. It will be her batmitzvah in August and I think this will just be something she will enjoy, especially using her beloved grandmothers machine and fabics. I am sure we will have a good time together doing this.
It was back to the card table this afternoon, together with my card playing friends. We play Kalooki every Monday afternoon, something different to do other than spend ALL my time in the studio, I must admit, I enjoy the break. Next Monday I think it will my turn to host the cards and make something good for tea.
That's it for today,
bye for now.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Today is a sad day for my friend Keren. It was her beloved dog Perach's last day. I found this picture of us having a great time in the snow, this was something new for me being an "African" we had a good laugh and Perach got cold paws.
I too have treasured memories of life with Perach, when she came and slept on my feet or snuggled with me on the couch Shabbat afternoon reading quilting magazines (what else could we do) sitting on the bench in the middle of the night outside Beit Ha Noah on Ahuza street. watching her as a pup in Kochav Yair. I felt for you and Noam and the family all day today knowing what you were going through having been through this with our beloved "kitty". But it is such a relief when it is over and we know our pets are out of their misery and pain.
Enjoy her memories.
I have been sewing like crazy today, managed to complete 36 stars and 60 triangle fill ins for the center of the chuppah. need only 34 more fill ins for the outer edge of the center, when it is all in place I will take a picture and post it up.
Tomorrow we play cards again monday Kalookie has been on hold for awhile due to some of us travelling girls, now we are all home for a while so we can get a few weeks worth in.
That's all for today
Till next time.
Bye or now
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
As usual, we had our Israeli dinner here at home with just a few friends over for the Shwarma/flalfel/pita party and some good hearty patriotic singing followed by watermelon, icecream and chocolate cake, I forgot to even take my camera up to take pics but you can imagine it anyway.
Picnic braai (barbeque for the non South Africans) with more friends and of course more Israeli songs. But for us as a group of friends this is also a very sad as recently one of our very dear beloved friends died after living in a coma for about 18 months, he had the sweetest voice that anyone could imagine being a chazan(cantor) and a lover of music and Israel in general, as his wife and our beloved Pam said " a light has been taken out of this world, we will sorely miss it" This was a day that he loved best of all as most of us do, so it will be a day that we miss him most of all too.
So as you can imagine not much got done in the studio.
Now I am working on the Chuppah for our shul, so one of these days I will post a picture of "what's on the design wall" when it is closer to being something more than just bits n pieces. And of course I want to complete those lovely flowers as well, so - till next time
Bye for now.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Friday, April 20, 2007
Ok here is a new picture of me with my beloved DH Nuts, this one is for you K hope you like it. Most of the time I am the one behind the camera not infront of it and I am always with someone else.This you realize has taken me about an hour to get to where its at. I keep pushing the wrong buttons, closing it when It should stay open, losing the pictures to somewhere else, now I seem to have put a few pictures in a place I can easily get to so I will try and download some more for this blog. In the meantime I am not having much success with this it just doesn't seem to want to do what I tell it to, so, I will save this as a draft and do it again when I have calmed down and not so frustrated with this. OK with a little help from Russ n Anna finally got this picture in. Keren... enjoy. this is a great picture of the both of us with lots of fun memories to go with it. Just a few more tips n hints and hopefully soon I will be able to do this on my own.
Managed to complete my flowers, but it is getting late and I have to go everything ready for Shabbat with a littlehelp from Russ n Anna.
Bye for now
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Monday, April 16, 2007
Holocaust Memorial day
This morning at our Shul here we had a small ceremony which we have every year. We have guests who speak about their survival during the war. This year we had two young kids who have just retruned from a visit to poland on the anual "March of the living" of which I have been on in 1988. We have a couple of young boys who play their violins beautifully to music related to the ceremony. and we invite 6 people to each light a candle in memory of family lost during the war. One of our members is very active in trying to locate the whereabouts of Raul Wallenberg a famous man for assisting Jews during this terrible time. and, as always completing the ceremony with Hatikvah. at 10.00am there is a siren that peals out across the whole of Israel for about 2 minutes and the whole country comes to a standstill, cars, busses people in the street or whever they happen to be stop, get out of their vehicle and stand silently, head bowed in rememberance. this is a very moving sight to see and experience, it always evokes emotion.
All or most TV coverage is on or about people who have lived through this experiance and films sho like "Sophies Choice" Schindlers List" and others. People telling their personal stories and historical footage. the rest of the TV here is closed for the whole day. except for the news channels.
Other than that I have finally found a new project to do. A very pretty applique floral "Stained glass" effect using very large floral print fabrics and cut out, iron on applique on a black background. So far I have completed the first part and now all my 20 blocks are ready for stitching. This is from a kit called "Diane's Garden" by "Details by Diane" I bought it in Houston at the last Quilt festival in November last year by justf or such a time as when I had nothing else planned to do urgently. So, now I will spend less time on the computer.
That's all for now
Sunday, April 15, 2007
I have been at this computer all day and not managed to do a stitch of sewing, maybe because I am inbetween projects right now and need to buckle down and start something new, although there are always the UFO's to complete.
Would love to hear from fellow quilters/teddy bear makers from around the world, so do pop in and say Hi, I am very friendly
Bye for now
This is my very first posting and the beginning of my blog pages. I hope along the way you will enjoy the things I do and the places we go. I will continue to upgrade as and when something is in the process. I have a few things that are WIP and a commission to make a Chuppah for our Shul as they are in the process of writing a new Sefer Torah and have commissionedme to make the chuppah for Next year Simchat Torah. I am quite excited by this and have some wonderful ideas, it is now a matter of chosing the right one and getting the process off the ground.
I have 2 very lovely special gifts also in progress one is a special gift for a special sister in law, and the otheris a wedding gift for a special nephew and his lovely new bride. Both reside in Sydney Australia. The tops are completed but I am just not physically able to quilt these quilts the normal way on a regular home sewing machine any more, so I will take them with me to Australia where we will be going in May for a batmitzvah and have organised to have them quilted there, Until such time as I can use my very own quilting machine (wish list) I will only update their pictures when they are complete.
That's all for this my very first blog page.
Till next time